Tzachi Zamir's Double Vision: Moral Philosophy and Shakespearean Drama PDF

By Tzachi Zamir

ISBN-10: 0691125635

ISBN-13: 9780691125633

ISBN-10: 0691155453

ISBN-13: 9780691155456

Hamlet tells Horatio that there are extra issues in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in his philosophy. In Double Vision, thinker and literary critic Tzachi Zamir argues that there are extra issues in Hamlet than are dreamt of--or not less than conceded--by such a lot philosophers. Making an unique and persuasive case for the philosophical price of literature, Zamir means that sure very important philosophical insights could be won basically via literature. yet such insights can't be reached if literature is deployed only as a cultured sugaring of a conceptual tablet. Philosophical wisdom isn't against, yet is consonant with, the literariness of literature. via targeting the event of examining literature as literature and never philosophy, Zamir units a theoretical framework for a philosophically orientated literary feedback that may charm either to philosophers and literary critics.

Double Vision is worried with the philosophical realizing triggered by way of the classy event of literature. Literary works can functionality as credible philosophical arguments--not ones within which claims are conclusively validated, yet within which claims are made believable. Such claims, Zamir argues, are embedded inside of an experiential constitution that's itself a very important measurement of realizing. constructing an account of literature's relation to wisdom, morality, and rhetoric, and advancing philosophical-literary readings of Richard III, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, Othello, Antony and Cleopatra, Hamlet, and King Lear, Zamir exhibits how his method can open up popular texts in fabulous and profitable ways.

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Double Vision: Moral Philosophy and Shakespearean Drama by Tzachi Zamir

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