New PDF release: Intensity (Chronicles of Nick Book 8)

By Sherrilyn Kenyon

ISBN-10: 0999453025

ISBN-13: 9780999453025

ISBN-10: 1974636992

ISBN-13: 9781974636990

ISBN-10: 1977353436

ISBN-13: 9781977353436

It's a demon-eat-demon international . . .

Just while Nick Gautier thinks he is ultimately gotten a deal with on how to not take over the area and break it, loss of life returns with an all-star forged that's decided to finish the Malachai reign and lineage ceaselessly. Worse? demise and battle have chanced on the only, actual enemy Nick cannot locate, or even if he did, it truly is one he may possibly by no means deliver himself to banish or kill.

Now framed for murders he hasn't dedicated, and surrounded through new pals who could be turncoats, Nick is studying quickly how his father went down in flames.

The warmth in New Orleans is emerging quick, and Nick's threat-level has long past right into a entire new point of depth. he is studying speedy that once conflict and loss of life choose to conflict, they do not take prisoners. they do not negotiate. and they are resistant to either his biting sarcasm and Cajun allure. To win this, he'll need to include a brand new set of powers, yet one incorrect step and he'll belong to the facet of Darkness, forever.

The 8th booklet in bestselling writer Sherrilyn Kenyon's fable YA sequence that includes Nick Gautier from the Dark-Hunter world

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Intensity (Chronicles of Nick Book 8) by Sherrilyn Kenyon

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