Download e-book for kindle: Politics and Pitfalls of Japan Ethnography: Reflexivity, by Jennifer Robertson

By Jennifer Robertson

ISBN-10: 0415486491

ISBN-13: 9780415486491

Four anthropologists, Elise Edwards, Ann Elise Lewallen, Bridget Love and Tomomi Yamaguchi, draw on their fieldwork reviews in Japan to illustrate jointly the inadequacy of either the Code of Ethics built via the yank Anthropological organization (AAA) and the dictates of Institutional evaluation forums (IRB) while facing messy human realities. The 4 candidly and seriously discover the existential dilemmas they have been compelled to confront with recognize to this inadequacy, for the AAA’s code and IRBs contemplate neither the vulnerability and powerlessness of ethnographers nor the entirely unethical (and even legal) deportment of a few informants. As Jennifer Robertson issues out in her advent, while the AAA’s Code has a tendency to perpetuate the stereotype of extra advantaged fieldworkers learning much less advantaged peoples, IRBs seem to safeguard their domestic associations (from attainable litigation) instead of residing and respiring humans whose lives are usually ethically compromised regardless of the presence of an ethnographer. In her observation, Sabine Frühstück, who incurred plentiful event with moral dilemmas during her pathbreaking ethnographic examine on Japan’s Self-Defense Forces, situates the 4 articles in a broader theoretical context, and emphasizes the hyperlink among political engagement and ethnographic accuracy.

This e-book was once formerly released as a unique factor of Critical Asian Studies.

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Politics and Pitfalls of Japan Ethnography: Reflexivity, Responsibility, and Anthropological Ethics by Jennifer Robertson

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