Hyunjoon Park's Re-Evaluating Education in Japan and Korea: De-mystifying PDF

By Hyunjoon Park

ISBN-10: 0415595525

ISBN-13: 9780415595520

ISBN-10: 1138120235

ISBN-13: 9781138120235

International comparisons of scholar success in arithmetic, technological know-how, and interpreting have continually proven that jap and Korean scholars outperform their friends in different elements of worldwide. Understandably, this has attracted many policymakers and researchers looking to emulate this luck, however it has additionally attracted robust feedback and a variety of misconceptions of the japanese and Korean schooling system.

Directly difficult those misconceptions, that are commonplace in either educational and public discourses, this e-book seeks to supply a extra nuanced view of the japanese and Korean schooling structures. This comprises the concept that the hugely standardized technique of schooling makes remarkable scholars mediocre; that the emphasis on memorization results in an absence of creativity and self sufficient considering; that scholars’ successes are as a result of the deepest supplementary schooling; and that the japanese and Korean schooling platforms are homogenous to the purpose of being one unmarried approach. utilizing empirical info Hyunjoon Park re-evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of the prevailing schooling structures in Japan and Korea and divulges even if the problems certain above are genuine or unfounded and misinformed.

Offering a balanced view of the evolving and complicated nature of educational success between jap and Korean scholars, this booklet will attract scholars and students of Asian, overseas and comparative schooling, in addition to these drawn to Asian society extra commonly.

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Re-Evaluating Education in Japan and Korea: De-mystifying Stereotypes (Routledge Studies in Education and Society in Asia) by Hyunjoon Park

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