Religion and Sports: An Introduction and Case Studies by Rebecca T. Alpert PDF

By Rebecca T. Alpert

ISBN-10: 0231165706

ISBN-13: 9780231165709

ISBN-10: 0231165714

ISBN-13: 9780231165716

Like faith, enjoying and looking at activities is a deeply significant, celebratory ritual, loved through thousands internationally. the 1st scholarly paintings designed to be used in either faith and activities classes, this assortment develops after which applies a theoretically grounded method of learning activities engagement globally and its dating to modern day problems with violence, distinction, social protest, and belonging.

Case reviews discover where of activities in mainstream faiths, similar to Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Christianity, and lesser-known non secular teams, relatively in Africa. It covers soccer, baseball, and basketball, but in addition archery, football, bullfighting, judo, and music. Essays replicate all ability degrees, from beginner to specialist, and locate awesome affinities between practices and cultures in destinations as disparate as Germany and Japan, Spain and Saudi Arabia. completely studying a number of phenomena, this assortment totally captures the original overlap of 2 common associations and their interaction with human society, politics, and culture.

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Religion and Sports: An Introduction and Case Studies by Rebecca T. Alpert

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