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By U. Kalpagam

ISBN-10: 0739189352

ISBN-13: 9780739189351

This e-book examines points of the creation of statistical wisdom as a part of colonial governance in India utilizing Foucault’s rules of “governmentality.” the fashionable nation is designated for its bureaucratic association, authentic systems, and responsibility that during the colonial context of governing at a distance instituted an unlimited process of recordation bearing semblance to and but differing markedly from the Victorian administrative nation. The colonial rule of distinction that formed liberal governmentality brought new different types of rule that have been nested within the strategies and files and will be unraveled from the archive of colonial governance. Such an workout is tried right here for sure key epistemic different types akin to house, time, size, category and causality that experience enabled the structure of contemporary wisdom and the social medical discourses of “economy,” “society,” and “history.” different chapters have interaction with how enumerative applied sciences of rule resulted in proliferating measurements and classifications as fields and items got here in the purview of recent governance rendering either statistical wisdom and likewise new methods of performing on items and new discourses of governance and the country. The postcolonial implications of colonial governmentality are tested with admire to either making plans thoughts for attainment of justice and the position of data within the structure of neoliberal subjects.

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Rule by Numbers: Governmentality in Colonial India by U. Kalpagam

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