Download e-book for kindle: Shakespeare and Venice (Anglo-Italian Renaissance Studies) by Graham Holderness

By Graham Holderness

ISBN-10: 0754666069

ISBN-13: 9780754666066

ISBN-10: 113825150X

ISBN-13: 9781138251502

Shakespeare and Venice is the 1st booklet size learn to explain and chronicle the mythology of Venice that was once formulated within the heart a long time and has endured in fiction and movie to the current day. Graham Holderness focuses particularly on how that mythology was once hired via Shakespeare to discover topics of conversion, swap, and metamorphosis. deciding on and outlining the fabrics having to do with Venice which would were on hand to Shakespeare, Holderness presents a whole ancient account of previous and current Venetian myths and of the city's courting with either Judaism and Islam. Holderness additionally offers particular readings of either The service provider of Venice and of Othello opposed to those legendary and historic dimensions, and concludes with dialogue of Venice's relevance to either the trendy international and to the past.

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Shakespeare and Venice (Anglo-Italian Renaissance Studies) by Graham Holderness

by David

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