Teaching for Excellence. Honors Pedagogies revealed - download pdf or read online

By Marca V.C. Wolfensberger

ISBN-10: 3830928238

ISBN-13: 9783830928232

What precisely are the features of honors pedagogy? What are the instructing thoughts which are relatively suitable and profitable for academically talented and influenced scholars? inspite of the sizeable physique of literature concerning the perform of honors schooling, principally relating the U.S., little or no systematic and empirical examine has been performed approximately honors pedagogy. This examine contributes to a greater knowing of honors pedagogies, focusing not only on what may possibly distinguish honors educating and studying from common expectancies and methodologies but in addition on how honors pedagogy bargains either teachers and scholars a chance to essentially reconsider their philosophy of education.

the current examine issues out the same and assorted techniques and tendencies in American and Dutch honors educating. Cultural variations, certain academic platforms, and various priorities play a job in defining either the shared and certain views on honors schooling in either nations. for that reason, a baseline comparability is made among American and Dutch honors lecturers with appreciate to their educating strategies.

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Teaching for Excellence. Honors Pedagogies revealed by Marca V.C. Wolfensberger

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