New PDF release: The Positive Psychology of Buddhism and Yoga, 2nd Edition:

By Marvin Levine

ISBN-10: 1848728506

ISBN-13: 9781848728509

ISBN-10: 1848728514

ISBN-13: 9781848728516

This ebook describes Buddhist-Yogic principles on the subject of these of up to date Western psychology. The booklet starts with the Buddhist view of the human psyche and of the human situation. This results in the query of what mental adjustments must be made to enhance that situation. Similarities among Buddhism and Western Psychology include:

Both are occupied with assuaging internal discomfort, turmoil, illness and suffering.

Both are humanistic and naturalistic in that they specialise in the human and interpret it in traditional terms.

Both view the person as stuck in a causal framework, in a matrix of forces corresponding to cravings or drives that are produced via either our biology and our ideals.

Both train the appropriatenss of compassion, problem and unconditional confident regard in the direction of others.

Both percentage the correct of maturing or progress. within the East and the West, this is often interpreted as higher self ownership, lowered cravings and agitations, much less impulsivity and deeper observations which enable us to observe and alter our suggestions and emotional states.

Buddhism, Yoga, and Western Psychology, specifically the new emphasis on optimistic psychology, are fascinated about the attainment of deep and lasting happiness. The thesis of all 3 is that self-transformation is the ultimate route to this happiness.

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The Positive Psychology of Buddhism and Yoga, 2nd Edition: Paths to A Mature Happiness by Marvin Levine

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