Tourism Encounters and Controversies: Ontological Politics - download pdf or read online

By Gunnar Thór Jóhannesson,Carina Ren,van der Duim René

ISBN-10: 0815378041

ISBN-13: 9780815378044

ISBN-10: 1472424360

ISBN-13: 9781472424365

The multiplicity of tourism encounters offer the superior on hand events to monitor the social global and its making(s). concentrating on ontological politics of tourism improvement, this ebook examines how assorted models of tourism are enacted, how encounters among diversified types of tourism orderings can result in controversies, but additionally on how those enactments and encounters are entangled in a number of how one can broader parts of improvement, conservation, coverage and vacation spot administration. in the course of the ebook, encounters and controversies are investigated from a poststructuralist and relational method as advanced and rising, seeing the jobs and features of comparable actors as co-constituted. encouraged by way of post-actor-network conception and similar learn, the experiences contain the social in addition to the cloth, but in addition multiplicity and ontological politics while interpreting debatable concerns or events.

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Tourism Encounters and Controversies: Ontological Politics of Tourism Development (New Directions in Tourism Analysis) by Gunnar Thór Jóhannesson,Carina Ren,van der Duim René

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