Why Literary Periods Mattered: Historical Contrast and the by Ted Underwood PDF

By Ted Underwood

ISBN-10: 0804784469

ISBN-13: 9780804784467

ISBN-10: 0804795266

ISBN-13: 9780804795265

within the mid-nineteenth century, the examine of English literature started to be divided into classes that surveyed discrete "periods." given that that point, students' definitions of literature and their rationales for instructing it have replaced noticeably. however the periodized constitution of the curriculum has remained oddly unshaken, as though the workout of contrasting one literary interval with one other has an value that transcends the content material of any person course.
Why Literary sessions Mattered explains how ancient distinction grew to become vital to literary research, and why it remained institutionally principal despite severe controversy approximately literature itself. Organizing literary heritage round distinction instead of causal continuity helped literature departments separate themselves from departments of historical past. yet critics' lengthy reliance on a rhetoric of contrasted hobbies and fateful turns has produced very important blind spots within the self-discipline. within the twenty-first century, Underwood argues, literary learn might have electronic know-how particularly to increase new tools of reasoning approximately sluggish, non-stop change.

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Why Literary Periods Mattered: Historical Contrast and the Prestige of English Studies by Ted Underwood

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