Download e-book for kindle: India Can: Ideate. Innovate. Transform by Ravi Nawal

By Ravi Nawal

ISBN-10: 9385436317

ISBN-13: 9789385436314

The publication is a set of 21 effortless to learn brief tales. each one brief tale comprises an idea which can create a beneficial influence at the socio-economic development of the rustic. The 21 fictionalized tales have narratives with relatable characters fixing a key problem utilizing the assumption. the topics mentioned are diverse and contact each element and strata of existence in our society.This is a e-book of principles, albeit the tale layout is used to make sure that you will have an stress-free time operating your means via each one proposal during this booklet. a number of or the entire principles during this e-book can have happened to you sooner or later in time otherwise you can have learn, heard or visible them some-where. evidence and knowledge which could have followed the tips have intentionally been refrained from to maintain the e-book from turning into pedantic or too text-bookish. The art that accompanies each one tale is geared toward reinforcing the significant concept of the tale in a sort that's effortless for a visible reader to soak up and imbibe. you are going to become aware of that almost all of the tales, via their important characters, try to locate creative strategies both to India's unemployment problem or key matters concerning the Indian economic climate. The employment problem confronted via India is a behemoth, given the country's large inhabitants of employable age. The complexity of discovering significant paintings for our younger women and men is an hard activity. Our employable inhabitants lacks uniformity of abilities, education and schooling. there's a marked distinction in propensities and of assets on hand to younger women and men at the foundation in their socio-economic category and the areas that they arrive from. The demographic dividend that we hold priding ourselves on may be our nemesis, if now not engaged with and channelized in a significant means, the time for that is now. we need to position our younger women and men in significant, efficient and pleasing paintings. This e-book makes an attempt a couple of solutions to such questions.

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India Can: Ideate. Innovate. Transform by Ravi Nawal

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