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By Subimal Misra

ISBN-10: 9351364747

ISBN-13: 9789351364740

Audacious experimentalist and self-declared anti-writer,Subimal Misra is the grasp of latest replacement Bengali literature and anti-establishment writing. This assortment brings jointly twenty-five tales that checklist the darkish background of violence and degeneration in Bengal of the seventies and eighties. The reflect that Misra holds as much as society breaks each canon of rectitude with unfailing precision. The tales additionally plot the continual evolution of Misra s writing as he searches for a sort to do justice to the truth that confronts us.
Deeply stimulated by means of Godard, Misra makes use of montage and different cinematic concepts in his tales, which he himself calls antistories ,challenging our notions of analyzing and of literature itself. Brilliantly translated by means of V. Ramaswamy, Wild Animals Prohibited: Stories/Anti-stories startles with its blasphemy, its provocative principles and its sheer formlessness.

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Wild Animals Prohibited: Stories, Anti-stories by Subimal Misra

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